vino pesto vinpesto  
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VinPesto Srl has set itself the goal of becoming a reference point in Europe and the Mount on the export of products made in Italy for AS ', specifically the product of our land the LIGURIA. Currently, thanks to the collaboration of local businesses mircro ARTIGIANE who for years operating on our territory, and also thanks to their knowledge of products and all 'high professionalism of our employees we are able to provide products that do not fear the most' fierce competition, that of COUNTERFEIT FOOD. We are able to offer typical products of the highest level to keep the high quality of typical Italian product, both as regards the distribution in small quantities as small supermarket is the case for large supplies of the player market GDO.




A maggio 2009 vinpesto iniza la distribuzione negli USA di prodotti come Vino & Pesto.

Aprile 2009 vinpesto si rinnova con il nuovo sito in italiano e inglese.

Nel prossimo mese di luglio vinpesto iniziera la distrivuzione di nuove specialità tipiche liguri tramite i suoi dealer locali.

wine vino vinpesto