vino pesto vinpesto  
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Vinpesto Srl distributes products typical Italian and Ligurian specialties such as:


pesto vinpesto"The Genoese Pesto that prepare in their homes!
The traditional recipe, one that can be enjoyed in homes and in the best restaurants in Genoa.
The real secret? Our basil!
The shipment is done with our inballaggi, polystyrene and with dry ice or in a carton, which ensure the full respect of the cold chain.

The Recipe

Ingredients and doses: 4 bunches of basil, g.30 of pine nuts, 3 cloves of garlic into a coarse salt, g. 40 of grated parmesan, g. 30 Flower sardo, grated, 7-8 (4 tablespoons) of olive oil delicately fruity and ripe.
Preparation: remove the basil leaves from the plants, wash and dry them on a towel or paper towels for food, taking care not to crush them. Place the dry leaves in a mortar, add the pine nuts, garlic whole world and the salt and crush - crush without - all with a long pestle olive up to mix.
Combine cheeses and, always stirring, dilute with oil paid to the wire. Before seasoning add a spoonful of hot cooked pasta.


De mandilli Sea, Trenette, Trofie, corzetti, lasagne, gnocchi al pesto want Pigato of the Riviera Ligure di Ponente, served at 10 ° -11 ° in the medium-stemmed glass.
A perfect marriage because the softness and the smell of large wine and contain the exalt respectively imperios el'aromaticità garlic basil.




Tomatoes sub 'oil

Marinated Anchovies




A maggio 2009 vinpesto iniza la distribuzione negli USA di prodotti come Vino & Pesto.

Aprile 2009 vinpesto si rinnova con il nuovo sito in italiano e inglese.

Nel prossimo mese di luglio vinpesto iniziera la distrivuzione di nuove specialità tipiche liguri tramite i suoi dealer locali.

wine vino vinpesto